LABORATORY, SURVEY, EQUIPMENTS & REAGENTS (ILabS=>Indonesia Laboratory Suppliers)


Forestry Supplier Water Sampler


LaMotte D.O. Water Sampler, Student Water Sampler, Beta Plus Horizontal Water Bottle, Acrylic Vertical Kemmerer Kits, Nylon Braided Parachute Cord, Solid Braided Polyester Rope, Hollow Braided Poly Rope

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· For Counting Larger Plankton
· Cell Volume is 1.0 mL
1801-A10 Sedgewick-Rafter Counting Cell (non gridded), price 200 USD

1801-A12 Sedgewick-Rafter Cover Glass, 12/Pk, price 130 USD

1801-G20 Sedgewick-Rafter Counting Cell, Gridded Model, grid 1×1 mm, price 420 USD

Harga franko Yogyakarta, tidak termasuk PPN, berlaku 1 Februari 2024



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Student Plankton net

wildco-student-plankton-net.jpgSTUDENT PLANKTON NET (Cat No. 3612-A)

With Mini Dolphin Adaptor, hose and pinchcock
3612 – A14 Student Plankton Net 363 µm w/Hose
3612 – A10 Student Plankton Net 153 µm w/Hose
3612 – A12 Student Plankton Net 80 µm w/Hose

.ask for detail.





Wisconsin Plankton Net and Bucket

wildco-wiscosin-plankton-net-and-bucket.jpgWISCONSIN PLANKTON NET AND BUCKET ( Cat No. 40-A55)

Complete; assembled, w/SS Wisconsin Dolphin Bucket& Dolphin Adaptor. For vertical sampling only.
40-A40 Wisc Plank Sampler Sm, 63 µm w/CC
40-A45 Wisc Plank Sampler Sm, 63 µm w/o CC
40-A50 Wisc Plank Sampler STD, 80 µm w/CC
40-A55 Wisc Plank Sampler STD, 80 µm w/o CC
40-A60 Wisc Plank Sampler Med, 153 µm w/CC
40-A65 Wisc Plank Sampler Med, 153 µm w/o CC
40-A70 Wisc Plank Sampler MLg, 363 µm w/CC
40-A75 Wisc Plank Sampler MLg, 363 µm w/o CC

Replacement Net :
40-C10 Wisc Plank Sampler Repl, 80 µm
40-C20 Wisc Plank Sampler Repl, 153 µm
40-C30 Wisc Plank Sampler Repl, 363 µm
40-C40 Wisc Plank Sampler Repl, 63 µm

ask for detail