LABORATORY, SURVEY, EQUIPMENTS & REAGENTS (ILabS=>Indonesia Laboratory Suppliers)

LUTRON, Dissolved Oxygen Meter, Model : PDO-520


Harga Rp 4.000.000 Diskon 10% Net Rp 3.600.000 Harga franko Jogja, tidak termasuk PPN, berlaku 1 Juli 2018 Harga tidak mengikat, dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu.
separate probe
specifications :
* Range : 0 to 20.0 mg/L x 0.1 mg/L.
* Temperature : 0 to 50 oC, oC/oF.
* Automatic temperature compensation.
* Separate DO probe easy for remoting
* Polarographic type oxygen electrode,
* Data hold, Record ( max., min. ).
* External calibration buttons.
* DC 1.5V battery ( UM-4, AAA ) x 4.

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HANNA, DO Meter, Model : HI 9142

HANNA DO Meter HI9142

HANNA DO Meter HI9142

HANNA, DO Meter, Model : HI 9142

DO Meter

Harga : Rp. 12.140.000,- , Harga tidak termasuk PPN franko Yogyakarta, berlaku 1 April 2018, Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu.

specifications :

Range : 0.0 to 19.9 mg/L (ppm)

Resolution : 0.1 mg/L
Accuracy : ±1.5% FS
Typical EMC : ±0.8 mg/L
Deviation : with 4 m cable probe
Calibration : Manual, 1 or 2 point (zero and slope)
Temperature Compensation :  Automatic, 0 to 30°C  (32 to 86°F)

HANNA, DO Meter, Model : HI 9146

HANNA DO Meter HI9146

HI 9146 indogama

HANNA, DO Meter, Model : HI 9146

DO Meter

specifications :

Range : 0.00 to 45.00 mg/L O2
0.0 to 300 %O2
0.0 to 50.0 °C
Resolution : 0.01 mg/L O2
0.1 %O2
0.1 °C
Accuracy (@25°C/77°F) : ±1.5% Full Scale mg/L O2
±1.5% Full Scale %O2
±0.5 °C

HANNA, DO Meter, Model : HI 9147

HANNA DO Meter HI 9147

HI 9147 indogama

HANNA, DO Meter, Model : HI 9147

DO Meter

specifications :

Range : 0.0 to 50.0 mg/L (ppm) O2
0 to 600 % O2
-5.0 to 50.0°C
Resolution : 0.1 mg/L or 1% (O2) / 0.1°C
Accuracy : ±1% of reading (O2) / ±0.2°C
Typical EMC Deviation : ±2% of reading (O2) / ±1°C
Calibration : Manual, in saturated air
Temperature Compensation :  Automatic, from -5 to 50°C (23 to 122°F)
Salinity Compensation : 0 to 51 g/L (resolution 1 g/L)

HANNA, DO Meter, Model : HI 93732N


HI 93732N

Hanna, DO Meter, Model : HI 93732N

DO Meter hi 93732n

specifications :
Range :   0.0 to 10.0 mg/L (ppm)
Resolution :  0.1 mg/L
Accuracy :  ±0.2 mg/L ± 3% of reading
Typical EMC : ±0.1 mg/L
Light  : Source Light Emitting Diode @ 470 nm
Method : Adaptation of the Standard Methods for
the Examination of Water and Wastewater
(18th edition), azide modified Winkler
method. The reaction between dissolved
oxygen and the reagent causes a yellow
tint in the sample. hi 93732n

LUTRON, DO Meter, Model: DO-5510

LUTRON, Oxygen Meter, Model : DO-5510

* Custom one-chip of microprocessor LSI circuit.

* Dual function meter’s display, 13 mm(0.5″) Super large LCD display with contrast adjustment for best viewing angle.

* Range Dissolved Oxygen 0-20 mg/L, Res. 0.1 mg/L, Acc. 0.4 mg/L.

* Range Oxygen in Air 0 to 100.0 %. Res. 0.1 % O2 . Acc. 0.7% O2.

* Range Temperature 0-50◦C, Res. 0.1 Acc. 0.8◦C,  /1.5◦F

* Power Supply DC 9V battery, Power Current Approx. DC 6.6 mA.

* Weight 335 g/0.74 LB (batteries & probe included)

* Main instrument: 180 x 72 x 32 mm(7.1 x 2.8 x1.3 inch).

* Oxygen probe : 0.4 mg/L. 190 mm x 28 mm Dia. ( 7.5″ x 1.1″ Dia).

Harga Rp. 6.250.000,- , Harga tidak termasuk PPN, diskon 10%, franko Yogyakarta, berlaku 1 September 2013. Harga dapat berubah sewaktu-waktu

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